Thursday 6 October 2011

A Merry Un-birthday and a Happy Birthday to everyone!

'There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents...and only one for birthday presents, you know,' Humpty Dumpty famously explains to Alice in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass; and if you get your maths right, you will arrive to the wonderful conclusion that everyone is entitled to presents three hundred and sixty-five days a year. These pages are entirely dedicated to the best kinds of presents imaginable, which are children's enduring classic stories. 

Lewis Carroll's masterpieces have demonstrated that children's books can be as intelligent, complex, and layered with meaning as any work of fiction intended for adults, all the while maintaining all the spicy ingredients and special qualities which make children's literature playful, imaginative, and enjoyable to any reader with a childlike disposition. 

I have decided to embark on my own literary adventure, whereby I shall both revisit and explore the most insightful, clever, creative, and intellectually stimulating children's classics and justify each selection for my list of most wonderful children's classics. I shall equally include background information, memorable quotes, and interesting analyses for each book, and I invite you all to share your impressions and thoughts on these worded works of art.

All aboard!

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